'Life of a Neuron' Tells the Life Story of the Brain

Life of a Neuron brings artists and scientists together for a groundbreaking collaboration exhibit to explore how the brain shapes the human experience. Through collaboration with the Society for Neuroscience and ARTECHOUSE.
Dr. John Morrison, the lead scientist behind the project, coordinated a group of scientists and artists to bring to the world an artistic interpretation of scientific data and principles, allowing the public to experience neuroscience in an entirely different way.
Find out more about the exhibit at: and
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Sora DeVore © Society for Neuroscience
“The neurons that you have in your brain now were, for the most part, there at birth and they’ll be there until you die. So the neurons that you use for all these functions are as old as you are”, says John Morrison, the lead scientist behind 'Life of a Neuron'.

Sora DeVore © Society for Neuroscience




Scientific Art Installation Neuro Space Debuts at Neuroscience 2019
The Morrison Lab, with the help of collaborators in Mount Sinai and Columbia University and artists Refik Anadol and artechouse.com, is developing a 3D reconstruction of a whole Primate Neuron in celebration of the Society of Neuroscience 50th anniversary next year! Check out the Neuro Space installation preview at this year SfN's 49th Annual Meeting in Chicago. The installation begins with Cajal images and move to a current neuron, pushing us to imagine the future. Neuro Space is dedicated to being futuristic, hopeful, and inspiring for the neuroscience field, showcasing how much more there is to discover!

The story behind Neuro Space and the 30 foot high cube at SfN’s annual meeting in Chicago begins with my role as Editor-in-Chief of BrainFacts.Org. For many years, I have wanted to build a neuron that a person can walk through as a virtual environment. When I was announcing the release of the 3-D interactive brain on BrainFacts.org at the 2017 Annual Meeting, I made an unscripted comment along the lines of-“Our next project will be to build a neuron that you can walk through”. Much to my surprise, this statement represented the launch of the current project, which has become one of the exhibits that will contribute to the celebration of the 50th Annual meeting for SfN, which is being celebrated at both this year’s meeting and next year’s meeting in Washington, DC. In celebration of SfN’s 50th anniversary, we partnered with ARTECHOUSE – an innovative institution based in Washington, DC with locations in Miami and NYC, dedicated to showcasing the works of new media artists and producing cutting-edge art exhibitions and experiences that merge art, technology, and science. Together with ARTECHOUSE, we are working to depict more complex stories about the neuron, which will be an interactive and immersive exhibition showing the human neuron in all its glory in their location in Washington, DC.