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Published Work
Publications: CV
Estrogen Alters the Synaptic Distribution of Phospho-GluN2B in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex While Promoting Working Memory in Aged Rhesus Monkeys
Hara Y, Crimins JL, Puri R, Wang ACJ, Motley SE, Yuk F, Ramos TM, Janssen WGM, Rapp PR, Morrison JH.
Neuroscience, Dec 2018
Synaptic distributions of pS214-tau in rhesus monkey prefrontal cortex are associated with spine density, but not with cognitive decline
Crimins, J.L, Puri R, Calakos, K.C., Yuk, F., Janssen, W.G.M., Hara Y, Rapp, P.R., Morrison, J.H.
Journal of Comparative Neurology, Nov 2018
Selective Loss of Thin Spines in Area 7a of the Primate Intraparietal Sulcus Predicts Age-Related Working Memory Impairment
Sarah E. Motley, Yael Grossman, William G. M. Janssen, Mark G. Baxter, Peter R. Rapp, Dani Dumitriu, John H. Morrison
Journal of Neuroscience, Oct 2018
Age and Alzheimer's disease gene expression profiles reversed by the glutamate modulator riluzole.
Pereira AC, Gray JD, Kogan JF, Davidson RL, Rubin TG, Okamoto M, Morrison JH, McEwen BS.
Mol Psychiatry. 2017
Future directions in animal models of Alzheimer's disease
Danielle Beckman, Mark G. Baxter, John H. Morrison
Journal of Neuroscience Research, Sep 2018
Novel approaches to study Zika virus in the brain
Beckman, D., Seekle, A., Morrison, J.H., & Bliss-Moreau, E.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, July 2019
Effects of estrogen and aging on synaptic morphology and distribution of phosphorylated Tyr1472 NR2B in the female rat hippocampus.
Waters EM, Mazid S, Dodos M, Puri R, Janssen WG, Morrison JH, McEwen BS, Milner TA.
Neurobiology of Aging, Jan 2019
Synaptic distributions of pS214-tau in rhesus monkey prefrontal cortex are associated with spine density, but not with cognitive decline
Crimins, J.L, Puri R, Calakos, K.C., Yuk, F., Janssen, W.G.M., Hara Y, Rapp, P.R., Morrison, J.H.
Journal of Comparative Neurology, Mar 2019
Estrogen Alters the Synaptic Distribution of Phospho-GluN2B in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex While Promoting Working Memory in Aged Rhesus Monkeys
Hara Y, Crimins JL, Puri R, Wang ACJ, Motley SE, Yuk F, Ramos TM, Janssen WGM, Rapp PR, Morrison JH.
Neuroscience, Dec 2018
Timing of cyclic estradiol treatment differentially affects cognition in aged female rhesus monkeys
Baxter, Mark G. Santistevan, Anthony C. Bliss-Moreau, Eliza Morrison, John H..
Behavioral Neuroscince., Aug 2018
Selective Loss of Thin Spines in Area 7a of the Primate Intraparietal Sulcus Predicts Age-Related Working Memory Impairment
Sarah E. Motley, Yael Grossman, William G. M. Janssen, Mark G. Baxter, Peter R. Rapp, Dani Dumitriu, John H. Morrison
Journal of Neuroscience, Oct 2018
Cell-Type Specific Changes in Glial Morphology and Glucocorticoid Expression During Stress and Aging in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Thomas E. Chan, Yael S. Grossman, Erik B. Bloss, William G. Janssen, Wendy Lou, Bruce S. McEwen, Dani Dumitriu and John H. Morrison
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, May 2018
Intraamniotic Zika virus inoculation of pregnant rhesus macaques produces fetal neurologic disease
Coffey LL, Keesler RI, Pesavento PA, Woolard K, Singapuri A, Watanabe J, Cruzen C, Christe KL, Usachenko J, Yee J, Heng VA, Bliss-Moreau E, Reader JR, von Morgenland W, Gibbons AM, Jackson K, Ardeshir A, Heimsath H, Permar S, Senthamaraikannan P, Presicce P, Kallapur SG, Linnen JM, Gao K, Orr R, MacGill T, McClure M, McFarland R, Morrison JH, Van Rompay KKA
Nature Communications, Jun 2018
An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging
Milham MP1, Ai L2, Koo B2, Xu T2, Amiez C3, Balezeau F4, Baxter MG5, Blezer ELA6, Brochier T7, Chen A8, Croxson PL5, Damatac CG9, Dehaene S10, Everling S11, Fair DA12, Fleysher L13, Freiwald W14, Froudist-Walsh S15, Griffiths TD4, Guedj C16, Hadj-Bouziane F16, Ben Hamed S17, Harel N18, Hiba B17, Jarraya B10, Jung B19, Kastner S20, Klink PC21, Kwok SC22, Laland KN23, Leopold DA24, Lindenfors P25, Mars RB26, Menon RS11, Messinger A19, Meunier M16, Mok K27, Morrison JH28, et al.
Neuron, Oct 2018
Age and Alzheimer's disease gene expression profiles reversed by the glutamate modulator riluzole.
Pereira AC, Gray JD, Kogan JF, Davidson RL, Rubin TG, Okamoto M, Morrison JH, McEwen BS.
Mol Psychiatry. 2017
Estrogen Restores Multisynaptic Boutons in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex while Promoting Working Memory in Aged Rhesus Monkeys
Hara Y, Yuk F, Puri R, Janssen WG, Rapp PR, Morrison JH.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2016
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